Farsa and Talwar fiercely fought between two communities in Tonk, 19 people injured; How did the controversy start?

tonk violence - India TV Hindi

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violence-clash in tonk

Tonk: Malpura town of Tonk in Rajasthan suddenly came under the grip of violence. People became thirsty for each other’s blood. They started roaming in the streets with swords, axes and sticks in their hands. During this, there was chaos in Malpura for many hours. The houses of the Hindus here were targeted. The women told that their ornaments and jewelery were also looted by the miscreants. Along with leaving, they also threatened that when the police will leave after two-four days, then who will save them. About 19 people have been injured in the Malpura violence, in which the condition of one person is said to be critical, who was attacked by miscreants with swords and stones. 30 people have been detained in this regard.

How did the violence start?

on Sunday Tonk There was such stone pelting in Malpura locality that till now the police administration has not been able to clean the stones from the streets. The streets of Malpura are still red with stones. It was around 11 in the morning. Most of the houses in the Hindu mohalla had children, the elderly and only women. The youth had gone out for work when 3 to 4 boys from the community came on motorcycles. He was riding a bike at the speed of a bullet in the streets and was honking loudly. Then an old man interrupted him. They went away abusing but after about 2 hours the whole army returned with FATA and it is alleged that they attacked the Hindu locality.

Hindu township target… excuse to stop bike
A group of miscreants came with swords. The second group started pelting stones at the houses of Hindus and in no time stones started pelting from both the sides. The violent mob started breaking the doors of the houses with swords and ax. Looting started in the houses of Hindus. Cars and other vehicles parked there were destroyed. Around 19 people have been injured in the Malpura violence. The miscreants beheaded Nathuram Gurjar by stoning him. His condition is serious and he has been referred to Jaipur. The miscreants were so fearless that even after the arrival of the police, they were pelting stones. Stone-pelting was going on even when police vehicles were plying on the streets of Malpura with sirens blaring.

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‘The miscreants came from Nagauri Masjid’
The Hindu side alleges that the miscreants who spread violence in Malpura came from Nagauri Masjid. However, the Muslim side says that stone pelting happened from both the sides. So far the police have arrested 30 people in the Malpura violence. Police says that this is not communal violence. Police have increased patrolling in the area. Police of many nearby police stations have also been deployed in Malpura. For the time being, peace prevails.

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