Pisces Horoscope Today, February 22, 2023: Favourable job life | Astrology

PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

You may feel a little overwhelmed with thoughts and ideas today. Daily astrological prediction says, overthinking can lead to intrusive thoughts leaving you with anxiety. It’s best to use this energy on some physically demanding tasks. Financially, you’re doing well. Generating multiple sources of income can prove to be quite lucrative for you. Thinking about trading and investing may be a wise option to do. Those thinking of starting a business can expect positive outcomes. People in the job sector are likely to recieve recognition for their efforts and dedication. Things look quite stable on the family front. You are likely to share some gleeful moments with the elders of the house. Little things like watching an old movie together can bring smiles on your face. However, you may to deal with some struggle in your love life. Singles are likely to feel a little tired as their quest for love remains unfulfilled.

Pisces Finance Today

Financially, you are quite stable as your reliance on multiple sources of income generate wealth. You may have to learn a little bit more about the financial market to double your profits. It’s a good time to think about stocks and real estate.

Pisces Family Today

You may enjoy some cute little moments with family. You can also expect a family reunion as relatives knock your door at an unexpected hour. Your house is likely to be filled with noise and laughter.

Pisces Career Today

Your professional dreams might come true Pisceans! Your seniors may provide you a lucrative offer that you won’t be able to refuse. Youngsters looking for investors may find one soon. Overall, it’s a rewarding day at work.

Pisces Health Today

Obsessing over intrusive thoughts are likely to leave you drained. It is advised to adopt a carefree attitude today. Using the energy burst to work out is highly recommended. Your body may be in need of a physical regimen.

Pisces Love Life Today

There are a few bumps ahead this road as misunderstanding and doubts hover over your relationship. It’s time to be a good listener for your partner and fulfil their needs and desires, before yours. What goes around, comes around Pisceans!

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Peach

By: Manisha Koushik, Dr Prem Kumar Sharma

(Astrologer, Palmist, Numerologist & Vastu Consultant)

Email: support@askmanisha.com, psharma@premastrologer.com

Url: www.askmanisha.com, www.premastrologer.com

Contact: Panchkula: +91-172-2562832, 2572874

Delhi: +91-11-47033152, 40532026


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