Weekly Numerology Predictions from 20th to 26th March, 2023 | Astrology

Number 1: (People born on 1, 10, 19, and 28 of any month)

Read your free weekly numerology predictions on hindustantimes.com. Find out what the planets have predicted for these numbers from 20th to 26th March 2023.(shutterstock)
Read your free weekly numerology predictions on hindustantimes.com. Find out what the planets have predicted for these numbers from 20th to 26th March 2023.(shutterstock)

Ganesha says this week, the movement of the stars will give the desired growth in the economic sectors. As a result, your living can be pleasant and luxurious. If you are a student, there will be opportunities for desired growth in the respective fields. Whether it is technology, management, art, medicine, and research-related fields, the continuous dividend will increase. There will be a need to be more enthusiastic to earn profit in capital investment. Desired growth opportunities can be found in the areas of livelihood. There can be moments of love between partners in love relationships. But somewhere in the middle of the week, you will have to travel and travel. There will be a dividend in capital investment. In terms of health, there will be some softness during this period. In the last days of this week, again domestic life will remain pleasant and wonderful. But there will be tension in small things. So be careful about small things. So it will be good.

Number 2: (People born on 2, 11, 20, and 29 of any month)

Ganesha says this week’s stars will be giving opportunities for promotion in work and business. If you are looking for employment somewhere, then the movement of stars will give desired progress. Whether it is a competitive field or a field related to technology, management, art, or contract, there will be opportunities for continuous progress. But in terms of health, the stars will remain somewhat weak in the middle of this week. So don’t weaken your understanding. The dividend may increase capital investment. There can be moments of love between partners in love relationships. There can be opportunities for continuous progress in social life. In the last days of this week, again the movement of stars can be beneficial in capital investment. If you want to travel somewhere, then you can get the message of success. This week’s stars may remain weak in terms of health. Therefore, avoid consuming tamasic foods.

Number 3: (People born on 3, 12, 21, and 30 of any month)

Ganesha says this week, we will be engaged in understanding the environment and geographical situation and raising the important aspects related to them. However, to make these efforts, you will have to travel and migrate to far-flung areas. This week’s stars will however give mixed results in terms of health. If you are engaged in finalizing the works of any religion and charity, then there will be opportunities for desired growth. In the middle part of this week, there will be a period of continuous success in the efforts related to livelihood. In the middle of the week, there will be chances for promotion in private and government sector undertakings. But in personal relationships, there can be tensions between the partners on some issues. Therefore, pay full attention to food and drink. So it will be good. In the last days of this week, again the economic situation will remain pleasant and excellent.

Number 4: (People born on 4, 13, 22, and 31 of any month)

Ganesha says the movements of the stars this week will be helpful in completing capital investment and work related to foreign countries. If you are associated with the fields of commission, mining, production, sales, medicine, and research, then the movement of stars will give beautiful results. However, in this direction, you will have to travel and travel somewhere. This week’s stars can give mixed results in terms of health. In such a situation, pay full attention to food and drink. In the middle part of this week, there will be a message of success in finalizing the works of any religion and charity. In the last days of this week, there will be a positive atmosphere in work and business. There will be chances for promotion in the private and government sectors. But there can be deep tensions between the son and the daughter in some matters. So avoid using offensive words.

Number 5: (People born on 5, 14, and 23 of any month)

Ganesha says the stars of this week will be the ones to make domestic life pleasant and luxurious. Due to this, the house will be able to complete the important work related to the family. At the same time, there will be a need to be more active in mobilizing the resources available in work and business and meeting the needs of work and business. It may take more time to finalize capital investment and work related to foreign countries. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. But it may take some more time to complete the work related to real estate. In the middle part of this week, there will be a positive atmosphere in completing the court cases. This week’s stars can’t be much better in terms of health. In such a situation, do not weaken the useful routine. However, there will be a partial success this week in completing the works of religion and charity.

Number 6: (People born on 6, 15, and 24 of any month)

Ganesha says this week’s stars will be the ones to develop love and harmony among the relatives. If there are any tensions in the past, then there will be a gift of success in removing them. By the way, hard work may have to be done in completing the work related to livelihood. If you are engaged in elevating any practical knowledge and taking it to the final conclusion, then there will be the desired kind of progress. If you are looking to invest capital somewhere. So there will be opportunities for progress. If there are any transaction issues, they may take more time to settle. There will be moments of love between wife and children in the middle of this week. But there will be some worries about the maintenance and other aspects of any precious clothes. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good.

Number 7 (People born on 7, 16, and 25 of any month)

Ganesha says this week’s stars will be pleasant and luxurious in terms of upgrading modern comforts. If you are studying, there will be desired progress in preparing subjects. This week’s stars will be excellent in completing the work related to livelihood. So don’t weaken your understanding. This week, the process of teaching and taking forward the son and daughter will be fruitful. Due to the development of love in love relations, there will be a pleasant and wonderful atmosphere. There may be upheaval between close relatives this week. On the other hand, on the last days of the week, married life will be pleasant and wonderful. If there are any diseases and disorders in the past, then you will be able to remove them. But it may take more time to finalize the works related to real estate. So don’t weaken your understanding. So the desired result will be there.

Number 8: (People born on 8, 17, and 26 of any month)

Ganesha says this week, there will be a need to increase material comforts and be more ready for desired growth in the areas of livelihood. Because the movement of the stars will sometimes be disturbing in the respective areas. In such a situation, there will be a lack of a positive atmosphere many times. Because the opposition parties will be engaged in trapping and threatening you. In such a situation, some unknown fear will remain. So be careful before taking any such step. The benefit of delicious dishes will remain this week. Whereas in the middle of the week, there will be moments of love in love affairs. If you are associated with the fields of study and teaching, then there will be chances of achieving some major success in the middle part of this week. By the way, whatever your heart and mind say, there will be the desired kind of progress in giving the final shape to such works. This week, there will be beautiful results in dealing with economic aspects. On the last days of the week, you can go somewhere for travel and migration.

Number 9: (People born on 9, 18, and 27 of any month)

Ganesha says this week, the movement of the stars will enhance intellectual abilities and give pleasant opportunities for educational development. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. The dividend will increase capital investment. This week, you will be successful in finalizing the works of any religion and charity. Will be excited to meet a close and sympathetic person this week. This week, significant progress will be expected in the completion of the related military, security, and technical works. There will be important opportunities in elevating physical strength and removing diseases and pains. However, again in the middle of the week, the movement of stars will be challenging in related work and business. In such a situation, you will have to walk more carefully and carefully. In the last days of this week, you will be excited about the child side.

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