Know your Chinese predictions for this week from September 18 to 17, 2023 | Astrology

Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

General Overview: This week, Rat, you’ll find it beneficial to close old chapters in your life and embrace new beginnings. It could be related to a specific aspect of your life or even a fresh start in general. Take some time to look back at your past experiences and learn from any mistakes. Think of it as tidying up your life’s loose ends to pave the way for exciting new adventures.

Read your Chinese predictions for this week from September 4 to 10, 2023 September 18 to 24, 2023.(Freepik)
Read your Chinese predictions for this week from September 4 to 10, 2023 September 18 to 24, 2023.(Freepik)

Love- On September 23, you have the chance to experience an extraordinary love life. It’s an auspicious day, especially if you have plans for a wedding or a special romantic celebration. Being near water or engaging in activities around water can enhance the love between you and your partner or even help you connect with potential soulmates.

Friendship : This week offers a great opportunity to show appreciation for your closest friends. Life sometimes pulls friends apart due to responsibilities and growing older, so take this chance to express how much you value these enduring friendships.

Career: In your career, it’s wise to take a step back this week and pause your rapid progress. Sometimes, rushing ahead can lead to mistakes that take even more time to correct. Instead, observe and plan your moves carefully to avoid unnecessary setbacks.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 23

Friendship: September 21

Career: September 22

Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

General Overview: Ox, the pace of life is picking up for you this week. You’ll notice opportunities coming your way, and it’s crucial not to hesitate when they appear. Consider this as a time when doors are opening, and decisions made promptly can lead to positive outcomes.

Love : On September 23, you have the potential for an exceptional love life. Don’t settle for less than what you truly desire. Instead of waiting for someone else to come to your rescue, take charge and make decisions that free you from anything that may be holding you back.

Friendship : While this week’s energy isn’t particularly favourable for social activities and building new friendships, there’s an exception. Indoor activities are exempt from this influence. So, consider organizing a fun get-together with your closest friends, allowing your inner child to enjoy some quality time.

Career: Your diligence and sharp foresight will pay off in your career this week. However, be cautious not to celebrate prematurely, as you’re on the verge of embarking on an even more significant career adventure.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 23

Friendship: September 21

Career: September 22

Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

General Overview: Tiger, it’s essential to exercise patience this week. Wait for all the pieces of the puzzle to fall into place before drawing conclusions. Think of yourself as a detective who patiently gathers all the relevant clues.

Love: Unfortunately, the energy isn’t particularly favourable for your love life this week. You may experience conflicts with your partner or a lack of enthusiasm in your interactions on dating apps. Remember that this phase will pass, so be patient and allow things to improve naturally.

Friendship: Now is an excellent time to deepen your friendships with those who hold a special place in your heart or those you wish to bring into your inner circle. If you tend to be more of a loner and are looking to connect with like-minded individuals, consider visiting places that resonate with your interests, and you may gradually encounter kindred spirits.

Career: You’re on the brink of closing a lucrative deal in your career or successfully completing a long-awaited project or event. Stay committed and focused until the very end, as you’re about to embark on an even more significant career journey.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 22

Friendship: September 22

Career: September 23

Rabbit (1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

General Overview: Rabbit, this week grants you the power to shape your experience. The choice is yours. Some may find it beneficial to engage in manifestation rituals to bring their desires to fruition.

Love: A fundamental question to ponder this week in matters of the heart is, “Who will stand by your side in challenging times?” Take some time to journal your thoughts on this matter and then assess your relationships accordingly.

Friendship: You may find yourself surrounded by social circles that either accept mediocrity or encourage you to stay average. Don’t let societal judgments define what mediocrity means to you. It’s essential to recognize that even some individuals in elevated positions can be quite mediocre.

Career: This week, it’s crucial to focus on the dynamics of your friendships within your workplace or career network. Pay attention to the bonds that stand the test of time and remain cautious of those that may fray when faced with challenges.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 20

Friendship: September 19

Career: September 18

Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

General Overview: Dragon, this week brings a mixture of experiences. Some days will be filled with joy and happiness, while others may bring moments of suspense. Remember that the universe is always by your side, guiding you through both the good and the uncertain.

Love: This week, the energy for fostering long-term commitments in your love life may not be particularly strong. It’s advisable to wait for a more auspicious time for confessions or engagements.

Friendship: Your focus this week is on your friendships and the dynamics within them. Take some time to examine why you move between different social circles and what drives those decisions. You might find clarity that will be valuable in the near future.

Career: This is not the time for radical or risky career moves. Instead, it’s an opportunity to evaluate and assess your career processes meticulously. Success often comes from doing ordinary tasks in innovative ways.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 19

Friendship: September 20

Career: September 23

Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

General Overview: Snake, this week’s energy is peaceful and serene for you. It’s an excellent time to focus on self-care and perhaps indulge in some relaxation, such as a spa day. If you’re interacting with a Rooster, read their horoscope as well, especially if you have financial ties with them.

Love: If you’re single, it’s more productive to focus on yourself this week. Love often comes when you least expect it. For those in a relationship, fairness and equity are essential. Avoid overloading one another with chores and responsibilities.

Friendship: Take some time this week to socialize in public places, whether it’s at restaurants, dance clubs, or even neighbourhood sports events. Meeting new people and expanding your social circle is favoured.

Career: Pay close attention to details in your career this week. While you’re in a position to overcome obstacles, being too hasty may lead to setbacks. Approach your tasks methodically and with care.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 24

Friendship: September 21

Career: September 22

Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

General Overview: Horse, be prepared for fated events rushing toward you at full speed this week. Some of these developments might take you by surprise, but remember that your strength and belief in yourself can help you overcome any challenges that come your way.

Love: Your love life may feel burdensome due to other responsibilities. It’s crucial to communicate openly with your partner about your needs. If you’re single, this may not be the right time to focus on love.

Friendship: You may soon meet new people who will play significant roles in your life. Some of them might bridge the gap between you and your soulmate, so stay open to new friendships.

Career: Many career opportunities are opening up for you this week. Take time to evaluate these options carefully, as they could shape your future positively.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 23

Friendship: September 21

Career: September 19

Goat (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

General Overview: Goats, don’t tolerate unkindness from others, no matter the circumstances. Some people may pretend to be critics but enjoy tearing others down. You may encounter this negative energy this week, so consider avoiding situations that trigger your intuition in a negative way.

Love: Your love life is blossoming in various ways at this time. Some of you are experiencing personal transformations, while others are deepening their connections with new partners. Self-love and self-improvement play a significant role in your evolving perspective on love.

Friendship: Your social life will be vibrant this week, with opportunities to connect with friends old and new. If you ever feel overwhelmed by social commitments, take a deep breath to regain your bearings.

Career: Some of you may cross paths with an exceptional mentor in your career, someone whose guidance can be invaluable. Pay close attention to the advice you receive this week, as it may steer your professional path in the right direction.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 24

Friendship: September 18

Career: September 18

Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

General Overview: Monkey, exercise caution this week and avoid unnecessary risks. The energy encourages you to think twice before embarking on daring adventures or entering uninvited territories. Remember that not all dares are worth the potential consequences.

Love: Approach your significant other with gentleness and love this week. It’s an opportunity to deepen your connection and discover new layers in your relationship. If you’re single, focusing on your career might be more productive right now.

Friendship: Reflect on the evolution of your friendships throughout the years. Understand that circumstances change as you age, and friendships may evolve accordingly. Avoid blaming friends for not making time for you, as life’s demands differ with age.

Career: Seek information and expand your knowledge base this week. Reading books and gaining new insights can lead to positive changes in your career. Take gradual steps to make improvements.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 24

Friendship: September 19

Career: September 18

Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

General Overview: Rooster, this week’s energy is shrouded in mystery. Fate seems to be working behind the scenes, so take this time to focus on self-love and personal growth. Regardless of what unfolds, your inner strength will shine through.

Love: If your heart is fixated on someone, ask yourself if they genuinely align with your ideal partner or if you’re settling out of fear of being alone. It’s essential to face these truths, as they can be liberating.

Friendship: This week’s energy is ideal for forming new friendships in virtual spaces, such as online forums or social media platforms. Embrace the opportunity to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

Career: New ideas and inspiration will flow into your career this week, although the energy remains relatively steady. Avoid overwhelming yourself; instead, maintain a steady pace as you move forward.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 18

Friendship: September 18

Career: September 24

Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

General Overview: Dog, karma is on your side this week. Justice will prevail, and signs and synchronicities will reveal what’s to come. Stay attentive to the messages the universe sends your way.

Love: Don’t become complacent in your love life this week. Take the initiative to try something new, whether you’re single or in a relationship. Roses may bring luck in matters of the heart.

Friendship: Cherish the friends who have become like family to you. Take a moment this week to celebrate the beauty of these enduring friendships without becoming overly sentimental.

Career: Approach people in your career with caution this week. Whether they’re vendors, delivery personnel, or authority figures, be wary of half-truths and seek clarity when necessary.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 23

Friendship: September 22

Career: September 19

Pig (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

General Overview: Pig, this week’s energy aligns well with you. You may experience a financial windfall, whether it’s a promotion that boosts your income and benefits or another form of financial gain.

Love : Be cautious about the company you keep in your love life. The wrong partner can hinder your personal and career progress. Journaling your feelings can help you gain clarity about your romantic choices.

Friendship: Evaluate the authenticity of your friendships. Are your friends truly there for you, or do they benefit from your association? Knowing the truth now can prevent surprises in times of need.

Career: The energy in your career is highly supportive and positive. Keep moving forward and seize opportunities, as you’re well-positioned to overcome obstacles and setbacks.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 20

Friendship: September 23

Career: September 24

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article are based on research and personal observations. Reader’s discretion is advised.


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