Career Horoscope Today for Nov 24, 2023: Tips to resolve your financial conflict

Aries: Your work is about to get difficult and tiresome. There are likely to be some shake-ups in your current organisation, which can unsettle those around you. Some of your colleagues may even think of leaving the job, and it may leave you with the same thoughts. Your stars have a senior position planned for you; think about it before making any decision. Reaching out to your seniors in case you need any help might be fruitful for you.

Read daily money and career horoscopes for all zodiac signs and know your fortune for today at Hindustan Times.(Pixabay)
Read daily money and career horoscopes for all zodiac signs and know your fortune for today at Hindustan Times.(Pixabay)

Taurus: Today will be a good day to bond with your coworkers. Your team may take some time from the hectic schedule and talk on tea or coffee. You all may get to know each other better and may bond on many levels. However, your manager may not approve of this. It’s better to set some professional boundaries at work. The project that you were working on will finally be over today.

Gemini: The day will be all about you being confident and excelling in every single challenge at work. This new productive energy is the result of months of hard work and continued performance. Now, you have regained your enthusiasm to be the best in terms of your performance. Some coworkers may give you a hard time talking about your past performance. Don’t let such thoughts get in the way of your job obligations.

Cancer: Keeping your personal and professional life private is what you must practise if you want to sustain your job. Your manager may be noticing a mix of personal and professional life in your day-to-day performance. Your stars are strictly calling you out to stop the act, as it may land your job in trouble. Your coworker will put in good words for you today when asked by the manager. Be sure to thank them for the same.

Leo: Chances of minor disagreement between you and your boss are on the rise today. You must not try to push your opinions on your boss. You cannot afford to have this argument, as it can pose a threat to your job. If you still feel like venting your feelings to someone, then having a conversation with a close coworker may help. Taking leave this month might be difficult for you, so keep that in mind while planning personal events.

Virgo: An office trip is written on the cards. You may be excited to go with your entire team. However, the trip won’t be sponsored and requires you to pay for your own expenses. This would put you in the dilemma of whether to go or not. Take the time today to see whether your expense allows for the same. Some new joining may become a part of your team and create a happy atmosphere in your workplace.

Libra: Your boss may feel envious of the knowledge you possess. Today, you will get a chance to lead a meeting where you will share some valuable insights about your field. Post the meeting, you are likely to get some jealous vibes from your boss. Don’t let this incident make you doubtful about your capabilities. Sharing your professional achievements on not-so-professional platforms might not be recommended.

Scorpio: Today, you will be applauded with rewards for your exceptional contribution to a high-profile project. Everyone on your team will appreciate you for exceeding their expectations. Some colleagues may try to limit your appreciation by popping their contributions in between. Your stars suggest you do nothing about it; instead, you should redirect your focus to upskilling yourself. With new skills, you can perform even better.

Sagittarius: It is better to leave a job where you are underpaid for the efforts you have been putting in so hard. Today, you will get to know from the grapevine about the increment of other colleagues. The high increment of other coworkers may make you feel bad. Your stars are leaving it out to you to decide whether you want to continue this job or not. If you are already unemployed, there are good chances of you finding a job today.

Capricorn: Being late in your professional commitments will get to you today. Your manager may call you out in front of other coworkers for being late so frequently. The guilt and anger may make your entire day messed up. Your stars suggest you apologise for your actions before things get too serious. Today, you may receive positive feedback from your clients on your job performance and customer satisfaction.

Aquarius: Today, your juniors will be the reason for an increased workload. Their inability to complete their jobs is making you sit for longer hours to do it yourself. Your stars are telling you to stop burdening yourself with other’s jobs. You must think of finding an alternative to tackle a situation like this. Either train them well or let your senior handle the same. Whatever you choose will reflect your leadership style.

Pisces: You will soon be given the responsibility to handle a team. Take this day as a test that you must pass before you get your promotion. Refrain from delegating your entire work, as it would not reflect well on your job. Your stars foretell seamless management on your end, so be sure to do everything right to make it happen. There is a good chance that your paid time off may be cancelled by the organisation due to some reason.


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)



Contact: Noida: +919910094779


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