Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for February 25 to March 2, 2024 | Astrology

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

Love: Strength

Read on to find out your Tarot reading for the coming week.(Unsplash)
Read on to find out your Tarot reading for the coming week.(Unsplash)

Mood: Eight of Cups

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Career: Hierophant

You are poised to outshine competitors and maintain a high level of competitiveness on the professional front. Businesspeople can consider applying for loans to facilitate business expansion and financial growth. Family differences may arise, leading to potential arguments among members, so keep your cool. Boost your vitality by engaging in a sports activity, providing momentum to your fitness efforts. If you’ve harboured a long-term crush, this week is opportune for expressing your feelings. There is a high chance of receiving a positive response. Students participating in competitive exams are likely to excel. It’s advisable to avoid short business trips for now. Old property matters are expected to settle in your favour.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Purple

TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)

Love: The Lover

Mood: The Sun

Career: Two of Coins

Exercise caution throughout the week. Ponder your actions to mitigate any adverse effects on your career. Those grappling with health issues may witness improvements with the traditional approach. In a relationship, expect a surprise date orchestrated by your romantic partner. Support from siblings and relatives in personal matters may come your way—heed their advice. Avoid shortcuts and impulsive decisions in investments to safeguard your capital. A thrilling vacation awaits you and your friend, deepening your bond. Good time to finalize a lucrative deal for an old house or property. The favourable alignment of your lucky star may imbue students with motivation and inspiration.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Magenta

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

Love: The Devil

Mood: Two of Coins

Career: Six of Wands

Anticipate heightened energy and enthusiasm throughout the week. Professionally, strengthen your rapport with subordinates, colleagues, and superiors for a smoother run. A reunion with your romantic partner is on the horizon, bringing relief after a prolonged separation. Domestic life will flow smoothly due to your relaxed and open attitude with family members. Considerable gains may come through speculation and ventures on the financial front. It is advised to manage mental stress with meditation. Students sever connections that act as deadweight and hinder progress. Embrace a change in perspective and step back from life’s fast pace. Exercise caution to prevent a valuable piece of land from slipping away due to indecision.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Green

CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)

Love: The Tower

Mood: Three of Wands

Career: Chariot

In the upcoming week, professionals can expect positive outcomes by maintaining focus on current tasks. Strategic investments may pave the way for forthcoming profits on the financial front. Utilize the heightened energy levels to engage in a health-conscious routine, such as exercise, yoga, or other physical activities. A deeper connection with a family member may help resolve old misunderstandings. Anticipate a joyous surprise from your beloved, potentially involving a marriage proposal, adding happiness and relief to your love life. For those aspiring to own a home, family support is likely to help realize this goal. Students, reflect on your progress and acknowledge the efforts invested in reaching your current academic standing.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Peach

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

Love: Judgement

Mood: Three of Coins

Career: The World

Get ready for a smooth week ahead! On the professional front, satisfaction will be your companion as you excel in your work. Multiple income streams may materialize, ensuring financial stability. Maintaining happiness can boost your immune system, contributing to overall well-being. Seek guidance from family elders for effective problem-solving in a personal matter. Your spouse is set for positive career advancements, keeping the atmosphere jovial. Caution is advised in property matters to avoid potential deceit. If you’re considering a return to studies, expect favourable news. Embrace a new project that may require additional travel—it might be tiring, but the rewards are promising!

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Saffron

VIRGO (Aug 24-Sept 23)

Love: Nine of Cups

Mood: The Strength

Career: The Sun

It’s a week for big change. Consider exploring career changes and international opportunities; this week presents a favourable environment for such endeavours. Financially, you’ll navigate routine and unforeseen expenses with ease. Address any family issues through open discussions, potentially finding mutually agreeable solutions. Newlyweds can anticipate a harmonious time, supported by in-laws. Amidst potential stress and loneliness, a hill trip offers rejuvenation. Students, managing distractions from home guests, should carve out a quiet space for focused study. A piece of land may catch your interest; consult elders before final decisions. While not definitive, the week holds promise for positive developments in your career, finances, family dynamics, and personal pursuits.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Red

LIBRA (Sept 24-Oct 23)

Love: The Star

Mood: The Magician

Career: The Hermit

Completing a crucial project ahead of schedule could earn you accolades in the professional arena. Business endeavours are poised for swift profits, and unexpected financial gains may come your way. A serendipitous gathering offers an opportunity to rekindle connections with both close and distant family members. Inject a dose of humour into your routine, perhaps by joining a laughter club or Zumba class, to invigorate your energy levels. Prioritize quality time and attention for your significant other amidst potential relationship challenges. Despite the potential for emotional and physical distance from your spouse, adopting a more social and outgoing demeanour can open doors to meaningful connections with new acquaintances. Positive academic outcomes await students, and there’s a prospect of securing your dream house within budget.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Silver

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

Love: The Hanged Man

Mood: Page of Swords

Career: The Fool

This week holds the potential for self-motivation and personal excellence. Senior professionals may remain in the limelight, indicating promising prospects for future advancement. Addressing any family issues through open discussions is advisable during this period. Existing romantic relationships may progress to a deeper level, fostering harmony and peace. It’s crucial to take precautions against potential viral infections for your well-being. Exercise caution in financial matters, avoiding the allure of smooth-talking schemes that could jeopardize your capital. Positive outcomes are anticipated for those seeking opportunities abroad. While a distant trip may not fully satisfy your desire for independence, it can be a step toward achieving that goal. Within your budget, you might discover the ideal location to establish a commercial venture.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Yellow

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Love: Six of Swords

Mood: Knight of Coins

Career: Temperance

Gear up for a week where each move you make holds significant weight. Those keen to work abroad may get positive news, and join a prestigious organization. Opportunities to wrap up overdue projects may present themselves, contributing to the advancement of your enterprise. You might discover a newfound attraction towards someone you’ve recently met or connected with on social media. Armed with ample strength, you can tackle any demanding task with energy and positivity. Be prepared for a young family member’s bad behaviour at a social gathering, and handle them with patience. Exercise caution if considering property or investment, as fraud risks loom. Diligent students are poised to maintain their academic edge. Travellers may find distant places falling short of anticipated charm.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Maroon

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)

Love: King of Wands

Mood: Four of Coins

Career: The Empress

Maintain patience and consistency in your approach throughout the upcoming week. There’s a likelihood that you may feel a bit adventurous, embracing a sweet romance with your partner. Consider indulging in a rejuvenating massage to fortify your energy for the challenges ahead. Expect full support from friends and loved ones in your various endeavours on the family front. Businesspersons should anticipate a demanding effort for the profitable functioning of their ventures. Professionally, it is advisable to foster normal relationships with everyone and steer clear of unnecessary arguments with seniors. Exercise caution in travel-related matters, as desired results may prove elusive; consider postponing the trip if feasible. Students searching for scholarships or grants may find fortune. Before signing any documents related to the property, discuss concerns and queries thoroughly.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Orange

AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)

Love: The Emperor

Mood: The Fool

Career: Wheel of Fortune

Maintain composure and focus on your goals in the upcoming week. Freshers could be presented with a golden opportunity to embark on their professional journey.

Handling financial matters adeptly, consider exploring various investment options. Lending a helping hand to your family can contribute to a joyful household atmosphere. Incorporating mediation and walks into your routine not only aids in clearing your mind but also promotes relaxation. Couples may encounter tense moments stemming from ego issues, so choose words carefully and be accommodating to preserve the bond. Students have the potential to make both their families and educators proud with their results. Keep an eye out for a real estate deal that aligns with your budget. A long journey may introduce you to an interesting or influential individual.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Blue

PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

Love: Eight of Cups

Mood: Two of Wands

Career: Knight of Swords

Experience a positive shift in your approach this week, reflecting on your actions. There’s a likelihood of being entrusted with a coveted leadership role in your organization, bringing added empowerment. Children’s infectious innocence is poised to enhance the joy within your household. Maintaining a consistent fitness routine will contribute to above-average health and mental peace. After a prolonged period of separation, relish the joy of reuniting on the romantic front. Exercise financial caution to counter potential deterioration, emphasizing the importance of saving. If considering a break, explore a popular nearby spot for rejuvenation. Those seeking alternative accommodations may discover a suitable residence. Students, focus your energy on immediate and essential activities for optimal results.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Pink


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