Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for March 24 to March 30, 2024 | Astrology

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

Love: The Magician

Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for March 24 to March 30, 2024(Unsplash)
Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for March 24 to March 30, 2024(Unsplash)

Mood: Knight of Swords

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Career: Three of Coins

A week of contemplation awaits some individuals. Those aspiring to embark on their careers may initiate their professional journey soon. The joyous news of a baby’s arrival is poised to uplift everyone’s spirits. Enhancing your diet with nutrient-rich foods and superfoods may contribute to your overall well-being. With careful planning, you might find the means to settle old debts. Recently married couples may opt to extend their honeymoon, revelling in blissful moments. Residents in rented houses might encounter a minor disagreement with the landlord over a trivial matter. Students have reason to celebrate this week, anticipating positive outcomes from their diligent efforts. A delightful trip with loved ones is on the horizon, promising to rejuvenate your spirits and fortify your relationships.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Green

TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)

Love: Knight of Cups

Mood: Justice

Career: Page of Swords

It’s time to step up and confront all challenges. Making swift and accurate decisions under pressure will allow you to leave a lasting impression in the workplace. Family businesses are poised to witness profits in the upcoming days. Your efforts to contribute around the house are likely to bring joy to family elders. Reuniting with a romantic partner after a prolonged period may break the monotony and infuse a fresh spark into your relationship. Enhancing your lifestyle and abandoning procrastination could usher in constructive changes. An overseas trip may be on the horizon, bringing new opportunities. Students lagging in studies must buckle down to emerge successful. If you’re contemplating a property purchase, consider initiating the investment this week.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Magenta

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

Love: Nine of Swords

Mood: Ace of Wands

Career: The Hanged Man

Make the most of this week by seizing rising opportunities and even taking bold chances. Expect strong support from your significant other, instilling the confidence to tackle every situation with enthusiasm. Distant relatives might bring forth positive and encouraging news. If you harbour uncertainties about a new financial project, exercise patience or seek advice from an expert; impulsive decisions can jeopardize your capital. Prioritize your health, and with a busy professional schedule throughout the week, ensure to address any health concerns, seeking a doctor’s opinion for reassurance. A prolonged legal dispute over property may finally reach a fair resolution. Consider planning a family vacation for spiritual insights during this opportune period. Students, your curiosity and eagerness to learn may open new doors of opportunity.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Cream

CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)

Love: Justice

Mood: Hierophant

Career: Temperance

Fortune is set to favour you strongly this week. Those engaged in creative fields can anticipate recognition and appreciation for their work. Maintaining a disciplined diet and regular exercise routine will contribute to overall balance. Consider taking calculated risks in financial matters; the potential gains are likely to outweigh the gamble. In domestic matters, you might need to assume a more authoritative role to ensure peace and tranquillity at home. On the romantic front, anticipate a few misunderstandings with your partner that may cause concern. Meticulously cross-check your travel itinerary to avoid any oversights that could make the long trip tiresome. Success is on the horizon for those seeking to purchase a budget home. Young students may make their elders proud with notable achievements.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Colour: Purple

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

Love: The Lovers

Mood: The Hermit

Career: Nine of Swords

The week presents a promising time to instigate the changes you desire in your life. Leadership opportunities at the workplace may come your way, improving your chances of a salary increment. Your finances are poised to enter a positive phase, with returns from past investments expected to be on the higher side. A positive mindset will aid you in handling love setbacks with ease. Children’s activities may provide entertainment bringing peace at home at home. Maintain moderation in your exercise routine to prevent discomfort and adhere to your planned physical activities. Those considering real estate investments may come across a highly lucrative deal. Anticipate changes on a planned road journey and prepare well. Students should exercise caution in their choice of words to safeguard their own interests.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Green

VIRGO (Aug 24-Sept 23)

Love: Five of Coins

Mood: Two of Swords

Career: Knight of Wands

This week holds promise for various endeavours, creating a favourable atmosphere. It’s an auspicious period for expanding your professional network through networking activities. Your diligent efforts are likely to be recognized by seniors, potentially leading to promotions and increments. A joyous occasion with family and friends is on the horizon. Proceed confidently with investments you are certain about, as they may yield handsome profits. Tackle marital issues promptly, seeking assistance from relatives or family elders for an amicable resolution. Minor health concerns are unlikely to cause significant worry. Students can expect a satisfactory performance in their exams. Allocate time for solitude this week to contemplate your thoughts. A potentially lucrative offer for a recently purchased land may come your way.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Light Grey

LIBRA (Sept 24-Oct 23)

Love: Five of Swords

Mood: Five of Coins

Career: Eight of Cups

The upcoming week holds the promise of positive energy. You might find yourself entrusted with a significant and prestigious task at your workplace. Attending an event could prove advantageous for aspiring entrepreneurs. There’s a possibility that your crush might approach you with a romantic proposal, bringing you immense joy. Be prepared for occasional disagreements with elders over trivial matters on the family front. It is advisable to take a break, rejuvenate, and prioritize your health and overall well-being. Consider planning a new adventure trip with a few friends for a refreshing experience. Some individuals looking to purchase property in rural areas may experience good fortune. Students can overcome long-standing problems that have been plaguing them.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Green

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

Love: The Moon

Mood: Temperance

Career: Wheel of Fortune

This week calls for prioritizing the important aspects of your life. An additional source of income may come your way, addressing any excessive expenditures. Your efficiency and attention to detail have the potential to elevate your position on the professional front. The prospect of a youngster’s marriage alliance may bring joy to your home. Enjoy the benefits of a sound mind and a healthy body as you seek refuse of spirituality. You may find immense emotional satisfaction on the romantic front despite being distant. Later in the week, there could be plans for a journey to a distant place with office colleagues or acquaintances. Students aspiring for higher studies may encounter initial challenges. Expect an amicable resolution to disputes related to the sale of old property.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Dark Red

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Love: Two of Wands

Mood: The Star

Career: The Tower

Your authentic innocence and charm may position you as a triumphant individual. Long-term couples might solidify their bond with marriage with the consent of their parents. Youngsters can anticipate promising career opportunities on the horizon. Financially, your past investments may yield promising returns. Beware of activities that may lead to conflicts among loved ones on the domestic front this week. Before adopting a new diet or exercise routine, seek the guidance of experts. It may help avoid costly consequences. Those renting out their property should verify details about tenants to eliminate any problematic aspects. It’s an opportune time to plan a family trip to an exciting holiday destination. Students should be open to accepting fresh perspectives, which are likely to enhance their focus in life.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Royal blue

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)

Love: The Sun

Mood: Eight of Wands

Career: Two of Coins

This week provides an advantageous opportunity to address challenging aspects of your life. Honest efforts on the professional front may lead to success. Health-wise, lifestyle modifications are anticipated to yield significant benefits. Some individuals may successfully establish a second source of income, contributing to their overall wealth. The presence of visiting relatives is expected to create a joyful and warm atmosphere at home. Those seeking to settle down may find a suitable match through traditional methods. However, individuals in the final phase of property negotiations are advised to postpone the deal, as the current time is not good. It is advisable to finalize adventure holiday plans to prevent potential issues later on. Students should ensure thorough preparation on the academic front to avoid negative impacts.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Maroon

AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)

Love: Two of Cups

Mood: Devil

Career: King of Cups

This week calls for instilling order and discipline in all your endeavours. For those in love, it holds the promise of beauty as a proposal may be in the cards. Expect substantial support and encouragement from your siblings and young relatives on the domestic front. Professionals in the marketing field may receive social recognition, possibly accompanied by an increment. Engaging in physical activities like cycling and weight training exercises can contribute to keeping you fit and in good shape. However, be cautious as old debts may begin to accumulate, causing some financial concerns. Those engaged in academics might receive encouraging news about their tenure. Joint property dealings have the potential to be profitable for some. An opportunity for a backpacking trip may present itself.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Brown

PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

Love: Two of Swords

Mood: The Tower

Career: Page of Wands

This week urges you to avoid complacency and continue striving for progress. Business individuals should concentrate on the marketing aspect of their ventures, potentially leading to profitable business deals. Expect new assignments that will test your sincerity and expertise on the professional front. When guiding a young family member, approach the situation with empathy and tact. Before taking the next step on the romantic front, ensure certainty in your feelings to avoid future worries. Maintaining good shape, both mentally and physically, will leave you feeling invigorated throughout the week. Exercise caution in being overly critical of others on the academic front, as it may portray you in a negative light. Travelling with friends offers an opportunity to relive old days. The possession of a house may come sooner than anticipated.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Orange


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