Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for March 30, 2024 | Astrology

All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for March 30, 2024
Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for March 30, 2024

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

A health worry can keep your morale low. Money will be the highlight of the day as you earn handsomely. Office at a new location will bring in new clients and help the business grow. Family will be most caring and do much to make you comfortable. It will be fun travelling to a place of tourist attraction. Selling property at this juncture seems profitable. You are likely to achieve what you have set out for on the academic front.

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Love Focus: Your efforts will help the relationship blossom.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Golden

TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)

Some of you will manage to overcome lethargy by shaking a leg. Things start looking much better than before on the financial front. You will need to give your all to a project for it to succeed. Homemakers can resent their dull routine and crave a change of scene. The travelling bug is likely to bite some, but leave may become a problem. Achieving a distinction on the academic front is possible. A task you have undertaken voluntarily will soon add to your prestige.

Love Focus: A competitor is likely to appear on the horizon on the romantic front.

Lucky Number:11

Lucky Colour: Light Pink

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

Those regular in workouts will do well to take a day’s complete break. Some of you will manage to pay the last instalment of a loan. Piled-up work may take up a lot of your time. Your deeds can make you answerable to parents or a family elder. Those spiritually inclined may be encouraged to set out on a pilgrimage. Property matters causing tensions are likely to be resolved amicably. Students are likely to fare excellently through a focused approach.

Love Focus: Romance at this juncture can prove to be a useless distraction.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Brown

CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)

Some of you will manage to come back into shape. A scheme you have invested in is likely to give good returns. Your initiative at work is likely to be appreciated. Those on a house-hunting spree will get lucky. This is not the right day to deal in property. Be adequately prepared before setting out on a journey. You are likely to thwart all the competition on the academic front to emerge the winner. Meeting people you have not met in years is possible.

Love Focus: A former lover can come and haunt you, giving you sleepless nights.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Yellow

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

Efforts on the fitness front will bear positive results. If planning to buy a vehicle choose the model correctly, lest you regret it later. A bonus or increment can be held in abeyance, but not for long. Despite someone’s ugly mood, you will manage to keep the domestic atmosphere light. If a vacation is on your mind, this is an excellent time to plan it. Your balanced approach will help resolve a property matter amicably. You are likely to come out with flying colors on the academic front.

Love Focus: Romance is likely to give you immense pleasure today.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Purple

VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)

Earning on the side will help achieve financial independence. A senior at work may appear a bit demanding, but there is no reason to read too much into it. Discharge from the hospital is also expected for those admitted. A function can find you ferrying people around. A personal job may entail a lot of travelling, so be ready for it. You can become serious about buying a landed property. Students wanting a scholarship are likely to get lucky.

Love Focus: Romance may not particularly be on your mind today.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Maroon

LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)

Good networking will get you places, so get down to refreshing your contacts! Mental tensions can cause sleepless nights for some. There is still time before you can enjoy financial freedom, so spend carefully. Positive changes on the domestic front are likely. Those travelling long distances will find the journey comfortable. Good returns are foreseen from a rented property. Performance on the academic front will be good.

Love Focus: You may develop feelings for someone of the opposite gender.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Colour: Dark Blue

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

You will manage to deal with a skin problem or allergy troubling you for a long. Good investments are likely to come your way. You can get alarmed by the slow pace of progress on the work front. On the domestic front, you may become too self-centred and ignore others. A chance to travel may come your way. Time to get serious about a property-related issue. Things turn favourable for you on the academic front. Some of you are likely to impress others by your depth of knowledge.

Love Focus: Someone you secretly admire is likely to set your heart aflutter on the romantic front!

Lucky Number:5

Lucky Colour:All shades of Green

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Exercise is likely to reflect on your body. You will need to start saving now to avoid problems later. A new colleague may not share your enthusiasm for your favourite project. Don’t jump to conclusions regarding a domestic issue without knowing the full details. Driving off just for a change of scene is foreseen and will be lots of fun. A downswing in the market can motivate you to invest in property. Something that needs to be fixed for long will be done today.

Love Focus: Partner can take the initiative to make the love life more exciting.

Lucky Number:11

Lucky Colour: Peach

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)

Even moderate exercises will help you achieve fitness. Problems faced on the financial front will soon be resolved. More wait is foreseen for those expecting an increment. A family youngster is about to give some good news. Adequate precautions will be needed for those on a long journey. Acquiring property is on the cards for some. A good showing on the academic front will help in getting bracketed with the best.

Love Focus: Love at first sight is waiting to happen, as you enter a new set-up!

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Silver

AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)

Switching to healthy foods will be the key to remaining fit and active. You will be able to safeguard your interests on the financial front. You seem to be in the mood for work, so go forth and immerse yourself in your job! Positive changes on the home front are in store for some. An out-of-town drive and a short vacation is likely to rejuvenate you. A pending property deal is likely to be concluded profitably. A favourable time is foreseen for those making efforts on the academic front.

Love Focus: Partner will find newer ways to appease you on the romantic front.

Lucky Number:7

Lucky Colour: Magenta

PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

A short vacation or a change of scene will prove excellent for health. Money poses no problems and grows steadily. You can drag your feet on an unfinished task on the professional front. Homemakers are likely to exceed the budget in improving the home front. Acquiring a new house or shop may not materialize immediately for some. You are likely to get favourably placed on the academic front. Those who admire you are likely to bring you into the social limelight.

Love Focus: Some appeasing may be required to make the romantic relationship strong.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Maroon


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