UP Investors Summit: The Aditya Birla Group on Friday announced an investment of Rs 25,000 crore in its various sectors in Uttar Pradesh. The group’s chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla said at the ‘UP Global Investors Summit’ here that the investments in the state would be made in sectors such as cement, metals, chemicals, financial services and renewable energy. Seven businesses owned by the Mumbai-based company have a significant presence in UP. These have a total investment of Rs 40,000 crore and employ more than 30,000 employees. Uttar Pradesh is setting an example for other states. Be it developing state-of-the-art infrastructure or offering effective governance.
Huge opportunities for investors
In the process, it is creating immense opportunities for investors both domestically and internationally, he said. We are encouraged by the rapid development of the state. We were early investors in its industrial development. Today the state is truly one of the important states that is driving India’s economic growth towards a five trillion dollar market. Therefore, we are committed to investing an additional Rs 25,000 crore in our businesses across cement, metals, chemicals, financial services and renewable energy. Investors are already paying attention to the changing scenario of Uttar Pradesh. The state has attracted foreign direct investment (FDI) of $1.1 billion in the last three years ending September 2022.
The conference will run for three days
PM Modi has inaugurated the UP Investors Summit which will continue for three days from today. There will be a total of 34 sessions spread over three days during the event. There will be 10 sessions on the first day, 13 on the second day and 11 on the last day. The conference will also be attended by 22 Union ministers and ministers from three countries. This event will start from today till February 12. It is a major Investors Summit of the State Government. CM Yogi tweeted that the golden chapter of prosperity is starting in Uttar Pradesh under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. During this, the country’s biggest industrialist Mukesh Ambani has announced to work on a project worth 75,000 crores in future.
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