After Chandrayaan now in 2023 India started preparing for Gaganyaan will travel with 3 human


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New Delhi. India’s dominance in the field of space is continuously increasing. After Chandrayaan, India has now started preparations for several space missions including Gaganyaan in 2023. ISRO is preparing a plan to send Gaganyaan to space with 3 humans. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) chief S Somnath said that in the year 2023, we will start many new missions including the preparation of Gaganyaan. Preparations for the manned space mission ‘Gaganyaan’ will be completed soon. He said that under the Gaganyaan project, to demonstrate the capability of manned spaceflight, three astronauts would be sent to a 400-km orbit for a 3-day mission and then safely landed in the Indian Ocean.

36 satellites will be launched simultaneously in March

ISRO chief said Friday’s successful launch of LV D2 has set the tone for ISRO’s busy schedule this year with several Polar Satellite Launch Vehicles (PSLVs) and Geo-stationary Satellite Launch Vehicles (GSLVs) expected to launch this year. Associated campaigns were set. Speaking to reporters here after the successful launch of Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV) D2, he said that currently we are preparing for the next launch of GSLV Mk-III and OneWeb India-2 will be launched by mid-March under LVM 3 M3 mission. Which will have 36 satellites. Immediately after the SLV launch, ISRO started the launch campaign of PSLV C 55 mission.

This launch will be for New Space India Limited (NSIL) which is a commercial launch. Other plans include a ‘landing demonstration’ of a ‘reusable launch vehicle’. Somnath said, “At present the team is at the center in Chitradurga. We are hopeful that in a few days the initial preparations will be done and we will be able to perform the landing demonstration. NISAR (NASA-ISRO SAR mission) will be launched later this year, he said.

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