After Pakistan, power crisis deepens in this country, declared ‘disaster situation’


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Johannesburg: After creating an outcry in Pakistan due to power crisis, now another country has declared a state of disaster due to power crisis. This country is South Africa. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a ‘state of disaster’ due to the power crisis in the country during his annual ‘State of the Nation’ (SOTN) address in Cape Town. The announcement comes 10 months after the ‘state of calamity’ declared in the country was lifted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The President told how South Africa will deal with this crisis

Ramaphosa announced that a Minister of Power would be appointed to deal with the matter more effectively and immediately. He said that the new minister would look after the work of the National Energy Crisis Committee as well as look into all aspects to deal with the power crisis. He said, ‘The energy crisis is an existential threat to our economy and social fabric. We should implement these measures immediately without delay.

In his address on Thursday evening, apart from the power supply crisis, he mentioned several challenges including unemployment, crime and violence. The President also admitted in his ‘State of the Nation’ address that there was a time when he considered leaving office, but former President Nelson Mandela’s efforts inspired him to continue in office.

Power crisis deepens in Pakistan as well

Earlier, the power crisis had deepened in Pakistan as well. Here the power sector has also been hit by the economic crisis. Many cities remain immersed in darkness for hours. Not only this, apart from the power sector, other sectors including petrol, diesel, oil industry in Pakistan have also been hit by economic crisis. Especially the lack of electricity has affected the industries of Pakistan.

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