“This country belongs to Mahmood as much as Modi, this is the time to fight for its protection”


Jamiat Ulema President Maulana Mahmood Asad Madani - India TV Hindi

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Jamiat Ulema President Maulana Mahmood Asad Madani

New Delhi: The general convention of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind began today at Ramlila Maidan in New Delhi under the chairmanship of Maulana Mahmood Asad Madani, president of Jamiat Ulema. In this, President of Jamiat Ulema Hind Mahmood Madani has said many big things. Madani said that this country belongs to everyone, it belongs to PM Modi as well as to Mahmood Madani. Maulana Mohammad Asad Madni said that today’s era is the era of waging war of recovery and protection. This country belongs to everyone. The plenary session of this convention will be held on Sunday in which thousands of people are expected to reach.

“The country is as much of Modi and Bhagwat as it is of Madani”

Madani said that India is our country, this country belongs to Narendra Modi as much as it belongs to Mohan Bhagwat, as much as it belongs to Mohammad Madani. They are not an inch ahead of us and we are not an inch behind them. Islam is the oldest religion of this country. Madani said that the courts are working under the pressure of the princely states. We are also against religious conversion by forcible greed, but nowadays it is being seen that common religious conversions are also being sent to jail on false charges.

“It’s time to fight for security”
Maulana Mohammad Asad Madni further said that today there is an atmosphere of hatred in our country. The work of spreading baseless propaganda is being done fast and the Supreme Court is encouraging such people by leaving them behind. They are being set free whom we consider a threat to the country. Today’s era is the era of fighting for recovery and protection. Madani said that today all kinds of voices are being raised. The Jamaats given in Dastur-e-Hind are senseless. In these circumstances, if the leaders who follow the ideals of Swami Vivekananda, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Chishti continue to remain spectators, then it cannot be said what will be the fate of the country.

“Work is being done to instigate the youth”
The president of Jamiat Ulema Hind said that how will the country progress by ignoring Dalits, Pasmanda Muslims and minorities, this country belongs to everyone. Instead of this emotional, emotional politics, unite and compete vigorously on the social surface. There should be brotherhood and justice in the country. He said that work is being done to provoke the youth and every possible effort is being made to disappoint them. That’s why don’t be disappointed with the condition, don’t leave the hem of your senses.

“This land is the birth of Islam”
Mahmood Madani said that the specialty of this land is that it is the land of the first prophet of God. This land is the birth of Islam. This is the first homeland of Muslims, so to say, to understand, to say that Islam is a religion that came from outside, is completely wrong, it is completely baseless. Islam is the oldest religion among all the religions of the country. So I promise India is the best place for hindi muslims and than rest of the countries.

“If the system of the country deteriorates…”
But along with this, it is also necessary to know the fact that there is a system to live in our own country, if that system is correct, then it will be easy for the residents of this country to live and if that system deteriorates, then the life of the townspeople will become difficult. That’s why we have to see how the system of our country is, how the people running it are aware of their responsibilities.

“We have failed to punish the oppressors, murderers and robbers”
Madani said that we have failed to punish the oppressors, murderers, robbers, rather innocent people are arrested and kept in jail for long periods. After 20 years, the court releases them. In case of any riots, Muslims are killed and looted and on the contrary, they are held guilty and punished. After the Babri Masjid verdict, the role of the courts has been questioned. Courts have been working under pressure from governments for some time.

“Freedom of religion is a fundamental right”
Mahmood Madani said that freedom of religion is a fundamental right. We are also against conversion by force, fraud and any greed, but it is seen that those who are converting themselves are also being arrested in cases of force, fraud and greed. The agencies are targeting the Akalis. Many such examples are in front, such as ban on Namaz, police action, bulldozer action.

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