Important contribution of Muslims in the progress of the country, there should be no discrimination on the basis of religion – Madani

Mahmood Madani - India TV Hindi

Image Source : ANI
Mahmood Madani

New Delhi: Jamiat chief Maulana Mahmood Madani said in the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind’s procession going on at Ramlila Maidan in Delhi that Muslims have played an important role in the progress of the country. There should be no discrimination on the basis of religion. He accused of spreading Islamophobia across the country. He said that we do not have any differences or differences of opinion. Mahmood Madani said that neither should anyone have any problem with the growth of Sanatan Dharma nor should anyone have any problem with the growth of Islam.

He said- ‘It is a country of population of 140 crore people, there are countless culture, language and ways of eating and drinking. Despite the different way of thinking, this country is connected together. Muslims have contributed a lot in this. Thinking that we would have gone to Pakistan or would have been sent, one sir was saying that he has taken his share, now he wants this too. Muslims take the name of emperors and say that they are their children. Those who left in 1947 closed the door, but I am attached to this land.

Madani said- ‘If there are any incidents, it is wrong to consider them as the thinking of the whole society, recognize only a few people who speak wrong, don’t weigh everyone together. It has to be understood what is the fight and what is it about. We have no quarrel with the majority of this country. We have no enmity with anyone. There is no opposition with anyone, there is difference of opinion. There is no difference of opinion, there is difference in very small things. Such cases have increased in the last few years, it has to be said that the government and the administration did not do what they should have done on these incidents. Such cases increase hatred. Complain, complain, take action, compete, but keep this in mind, balance has to be maintained.

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