VHP’s strong reaction on Madani’s statement, said – Why are you silent on terrorism and separatism?

VHP's strong reaction on Maulana Mahmood Madani statement said Why is Jamiat silent on terrorism- India TV Hindi

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National spokesperson of Vishwa Hindu Parishad Vinod Bansal

The statement of Maulana Mahmood Madani, president of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind, has drawn a strong reaction from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). VHP has said on this matter why Jamiat remains silent on subjects like terrorism and separatism. Reacting sharply to Madani’s statement, Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s national spokesperson Vinod Bansal said that while speaking at the 34th General Assembly of Jamiat, its Chaudhary Maulana Madani talks about equality, but sows the poison of separatism. He said that Madani said that Islam is the oldest religion and it did not come from outside. This is the country worn by the Muslims. But they don’t ask any Muslim to say Vande Mataram or Bharat Mata Ki Jai.

Vishwa Hindu Parishad criticized

Regarding the statement of Maulana Madni, the VHP spokesperson further said that he would point fingers at the government and the judiciary. Will call the government an ostrich. But not even a word is spoken towards the Jihadis. But they will not tell who is responsible for spreading separatism, terrorism and mutual disharmony, which ideology is responsible for it.

Misleading of Muslim youth

Vinod Bansal further said that regarding Jamiat’s stand on marriage and Uniform Civil Code, he compared Prime Minister Narendra Modi and RSS Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat, saying that he is neither an inch ahead of these two nor a inches behind. Who is talking back and forth here? But do the work in the same way. The VHP leader also criticized the attitude of instigating, misleading and fighting the Muslim youth.

Let us inform that Maulana Madani had talked about the important contribution of Muslims in the progress of the country. He had said that Islam is the birth of this land. We have not come from outside. This is the first homeland of the Muslims. He also targeted the government and the court. Madani said that there should be no discrimination on the basis of religion. Islamophobia is being spread in the country. He had said that this country belongs to Madani as much as Modi and Bhagwat. Neither they are an inch ahead nor we are an inch behind.


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