Why does the exam paper get leaked in the country? Know the whole truth in the investigation of India TV

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Why paper leaks are happening in the country

Parents make their children capable of a job by educating them. Children forget their happiness and work hard day and night to get government job. Every year about 15 million youth join the job race in the country. As we all know that India is a country of youth and here working population means the number of people who have the ability to do jobs is the largest part of the population. In such a situation, the demand for jobs is high but the supply is less. This difference between demand and supply gives rise to paper leaks.

Security is more in government jobs but number is very less. That’s why paper leak happens in the name of getting and getting a government job. The earning in this is very high because after the paper of the smallest job is leaked, it is sold at the rate of twenty five lakhs per student. This black business of crores and billions is the biggest enemy of our children. Paper leak incidents happen every year in dozens of states including Rajasthan…Uttarakhand…Madhya Pradesh…Gujarat…Uttar Pradesh…Bihar…Himachal Pradesh.

During the investigation in our story, we have also identified the places from where the paper leak takes place.

Paper leaks happen from here

1. The biggest danger remains in the printing press because paper comes in contact with maximum number of people here.

2. Then bank locker because here also there is third party involvement
3. Strong room of the commission conducting the examination
4. Examination Center
5. Controller of Examinations

The role of these people is questionable

During the investigation of the paper leak case in many states, we have also identified those people whose role was found suspicious in the paper leak or who were proved guilty…

employees of the printing press where the paper is printed
Modern tuition centers that improve the results of their coaching centers and brighten their business
Education consultants in touch with students look for paper leak clients
Admission agents also do the work of finding clients on commission after the paper is leaked.
Paper leak mafia earning up to 50 lakhs for one paper from a student
Employees of the commission greedy for black money in crores
Those students who want to get a job without qualification and hard work give the exam.

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