Forgot WhatsApp Pin To access your account again Follow these steps. Forgot WhatsApp Pin? Follow these steps to access your account again

Steps to reset WhatsApp pin - India TV Paisa
Photo: CANVA Tips to reset WhatsApp pin

How to reset WhatsApp pin: Most of the people use WhatsApp. To make it secure, people adopt many methods. These include both App Lock and WhatsApp Pin. On the other hand, to make it even more secure, you can turn on two-step verification. In such a situation, it is easy for people to access the account at that time, when for some reason they forget the WhatsApp PIN. Are you also using it by setting a pin? Follow these steps to access account again after forgetting WhatsApp Pin

Important things before resetting WhatsApp Pin

Before resetting WhatsApp Pin, it is important to keep a few things in mind. There are two ways to reset it after forgetting it. These include both email address and direct mobile number. To reset WhatsApp PIN with email address, two-step verification is required. If you had given the email address at that time, then only you will be able to reset it. For this send WhatsApp Pin link reset request on email. Apart from this, you can reset from the direct mobile number.

How to reset WhatsApp Pin with email address

1. To reset WhatsApp Pin with email address, first open the app.

2. After this click on Forget WhatsApp Pin.
3. Now click on Send WhatsApp Pin reset e-mail.
4. After some time you open the email and check this link.
5. Now confirm it by clicking on the reset link in the email.
6. Let us tell you that you cannot reset the PIN by deleting or reinstalling the app.
7. For this it is necessary to remember the email id.

Reset WhatsApp Pin Without Email Address

1. You can do WhatsApp Pin without email address in different conditions.
2. For this you have to wait for at least 7 days.
3. Mobile number is required in case you have forgotten your email address or did not provide it and also did not set up the two-step verification PIN.
4. Click on forget password to reset the number after 7 days.
5. After that click on reset pin.
6. Now you can set any PIN as per your choice.

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