what does ton mean in ac why to be said 1 ton 2 tons how much ton Air Conditioner should be taken. AC is not of 1000 kg, then why is it called 1 ton-2 ton, it has the most role in purchase

AC, Air Conditioner, What does Ton mean in AC, what is ton in ac, What is meant by 1 ton of AC - India TV Paisa
Photo:File photo Tone selection in AC should always be done keeping in mind the size of the room.

What is Tone in Air Conditioner: The summer season has come and people will use AC and cooler to get relief from it. With the arrival of summer, the use of AC increases rapidly. Whenever AC is mentioned, the word ton is used a lot in it. Even before purchase, there is only discussion on how many tonnes of AC to buy. But do you know what is the meaning of ton in AC and what is its role in the purchase of AC.

Let us tell you that 1 ton is equal to 1000 kg, but there is no such thing whose weight is equal to 1000 kg. Then it becomes necessary to know that before buying an AC, why does it matter whether the AC should be of 1 ton or 2 ton. Let us tell you about it in detail.

This is the meaning of Ton in AC

Ton is a very important term in any AC. The word ton in AC refers to the capacity of cooling the room or the drawing form or hall. In general, you can understand it in such a way that the more tonnage the AC has, the quicker it will cool the larger area. The matter of tones in AC is completely related to cooling.

1 ton AC means that 1 ton of ice can give you as much coolness as your room will get from 1 ton AC. Whenever you go to buy AC, pay special attention to the tone. If the size of the room for which you are taking AC is large, then you should take AC of more tonnage and if it is small then you should take AC of less tonnage.

Understand the need of tones in AC according to the size of the room

  1. If the room is up to 150 square feet, then 1 Ton AC will be sufficient.
  2. If the size of the room is 150 sq ft to 250 sq ft then you should take 1.5 Ton AC.
  3. A 2 Ton AC will be required for a room ranging from 250 sq ft to 400 sq ft.
  4. If the size of the room is 400 to 600 square feet, then you will need 3 ton AC to cool it.

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