BJP Ghaziabad MLA Sunil Sharma appealed to CM Yogi by writing a letter said bulldozers should be run on illegal tombs

Uttar Pradesh, Sunil Sharma, Yogi Adityanath, Ghaziabad- India TV Hindi

Image Source: INDIA TV
Bulldozers should be run on illegal tombs – BJP MLA

Ghaziabad: Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Sunil Sharma from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh has written a letter to CM Yogi Adityanath. In this letter, he has appealed to CM Yogi that tombs are being constructed illegally at many places in his constituency. In this letter, he has claimed that this illegal construction is being done on government land and due to this, accidents are also happening every day.

‘Investigation should be conducted on illegal tombs on government land’

In his letter, MLA Sunil Sharma has appealed to CM Yogi to investigate illegal tombs being built on government land and remove them and vacate the government land. Along with this, he has also given the address of tombs built at some places in his letter. They have demanded the removal of the mausoleum located near the Rajnagar Extension intersection, under the ITS and Hindon railway bridge. He said that because of them the traffic gets disrupted.

‘Government lands being captured through Mazar Jihad’

Along with this, he wrote on his Twitter that if you find any place in my assembly constituency, district being constructed on government land, then you can contact me, my office or on Twitter. Along with this, he has written in his letter that such constructions are being done under a well thought out conspiracy and this is Mazar Jihad. Under this, gradually government land is being encroached upon.

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