Maiden Night Landing of MiG 29k on INS Vikrant. Indian Navy created history, MiG-29K landed for the first time on INS Vikrant in the dark of night

MiG-29K on INS Vikrant - India TV Hindi

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MiG-29K landed at night on INS Vikrant

New Delhi: Indian Navy has achieved another historic achievement. MiG-29K fighter jet has created history by landing on INS Vikrant at night. The Navy said the “challenging” ‘night landing’ trial demonstrated the determination, skill and professionalism of the crew and pilots of the INS Vikrant. Officials said the feat was achieved on Wednesday night when the ship was in the Arabian Sea.


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MiG-29K fighter jet

Indian Navy spokesperson Commander Vivek Madhwal said,INS Vikrant But with the first night landing of MiG-29K, the Indian Navy has achieved another historic feat. This is a sign of Navy’s move towards self-reliance. “He said,” This challenging ‘night landing’ test also reflects the determination, skill and professionalism of the crew and pilots of the Navy. The naval version of the fighter was launched on the aircraft carrier INS Vikrant in February. Apart from this, the Russian-made MiG-29K aircraft was also landed on India’s first indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant.

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Defense Minister congratulated

Defense Minister Rajnath Singh congratulated the Indian Navy for the first successful night landing of a MiG-29K onboard INS Vikrant. Singh tweeted, “MiG-29K at INS Vikrant. Congratulations to the Indian Navy for the successful completion of the first ‘Night Landing’ test.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi commissioned India’s first indigenously built aircraft carrier ‘INS Vikrant’ in September last year. With this, India has joined the select list of countries that have the domestic capabilities to build such large warships.

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