Pakistan is changing sides, gave a big statement against China, told America an old friend

Pakistan is changing sides, gave a big statement against China, told America an old friend - India TV Hindi

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Pakistan is changing sides, gave a big statement against China, told America an old friend

Pakistan on America: The world knows the poor condition of Pakistan. Pakistan has angered the US on several occasions in recent times by coming under the influence of China. America forbade Pakistan to do oil business with Russia, but Pakistan did not agree. At the same time, he has been calling China his traditional friend. But Pakistan has given such a statement, which can provoke China. On Thursday, Pakistan defying China’s friendship has given a statement that it is not a part of the Chinese bloc. At the same time, Pakistan said that America is its old friend.

Pakistan’s Foreign Office gave this statement

Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said in a press conference that ‘I will refute any speculation that Pakistan has joined any group’. Pakistan never believes in factionalism. He said that China and Pakistan are traditional allies. This relationship has developed over many decades.

Pakistan is crying out for relations with America

He said that Pakistan has good relations with countries around the world. These include Asia Pacific, Europe and African countries. During this, the spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs insisted that ‘America is our old friend’. Regarding Pakistan’s relations with America, he said that ‘America is one of the oldest friends and allies of Pakistan and the biggest export market. As old as our existence, our relations with America are perhaps as old. We have been working together in many areas, which act as a bridge between the two countries. We have no intention of taking sides or joining any group.

American MPs said this by writing a letter

A few days ago America had raised the issue of human rights violations in Pakistan. 60 US lawmakers had asked US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to give priority to the protection of democracy and human rights in Pakistan.

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