Google lost more than 100 billion dollar Alphabet shares fall heavily due to One wrong answer in AI chatbot Bard ad


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Google has been hit with more than $100 billion after AI chatbot Bard gave wrong answers in an advertisement. Shares of Google parent company Alphabet lost more than $100 billion in market value on Wednesday after the Bard chatbot displayed false information in an ad.

Raising the company’s concern that rival Microsoft could expand into the search-engine market with a new AI. Reuters first pointed out the shortcoming in Google’s ad on Monday. Alphabet shares fell 8%, or $8.59 per share, to $99.05 on Wednesday.

Google organized an event to promote its new artificial intelligence chatbot named Bard. The event also featured AI improvements to several other Google products, including Google Maps and Google Lense, which lets people search for images from their phone’s camera. However, a day before this, Microsoft organized its own event to showcase new AI techniques in its search engine Bing.

What was the question, which got the wrong answer

In this ad, a man in front of Bard asked, “What new discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope can I tell my 9-year-old about?” The bard quickly gives two correct answers, but its last answer was wrong. Bard wrote that the telescope took the first pictures of a planet outside our solar system. While according to NASA records, the correct answer is that the first pictures of these exoplanets were taken by the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope.


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