Unless Pakistan does all these things talks are not possible know what are India conditions. Unless Pakistan does all these things, talks are not possible, know what are India’s conditions?


Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan - India TV Hindi

Image Source: AP
Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan

New Delhi. Even though Pakistan is a neighbor of India, but due to its terrorist activities, the relations between the two countries have become very tense. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, who is struggling with poverty at this time, had recently expressed his desire to normalize relations with India. On this, the Government of India said on Friday that if there is any issue between India and Pakistan, it should be resolved bilaterally in an atmosphere free from terrorism and violence. The government said that it is the responsibility of Pakistan to create such a conducive environment. Unless such a step is taken from Pakistan, talks with it are not possible.

Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan said in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha that according to reports the Prime Minister of Pakistan has said that his message to India is to hold talks. “Similarly, the spokesperson of Pakistan’s Prime Minister’s Office has reiterated several pre-conditions for holding any talks with India,” the minister said. Muraleedharan said India desired to have normal neighborly relations with Pakistan. And India’s consistent stand on this issue is that if there is any issue between India and Pakistan, it should be resolved bilaterally and peacefully in an environment that is free from terrorism and violence. He said, “Pakistan has the responsibility not to allow any territory under its occupation to be used for cross-border terrorism against India and to create such a conducive environment by taking authentic and verifiable actions.”

Pakistan is the source of terrorists

Even though Pakistan is talking about maintaining normal relations with India, its terrorist activities have not reduced. Weapons, explosives and narcotics are often being smuggled through Pakistani drones in the border areas from Jammu and Kashmir to Punjab. BSF has shot down many drones of Pakistan in the last one year. Despite this, his actions are not decreasing. He is also not desisting from infiltrating terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir. Apart from this, he gives shelter to terrorists from PoK to other areas of Pakistan. Apart from giving a free hand to terrorists to use their land, it also provides them with arms and money. In such a situation, it is difficult for India’s relations with Pakistan to be normal.

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