Varun gandhi say no to oxford University invitation amidst Rahul Gandhi london row

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Varun Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi’s speech in London has become a topic of discussion in the country these days. BJP is continuously attacking Rahul regarding his statement. Meanwhile, Varun Gandhi has declined an invitation to India Talks Abroad, in which he was requested to participate in a discussion on ‘Whether India is on the right track under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’.

‘Such a move would be an outrageous act’

Varun has said that he does not see the ability or integrity to take up domestic challenges on the international stage and such a move would be a ‘disgraceful act’. A source said that Varun, who has been vocal against the government’s policies in recent times, declined the invitation because the Oxford Union wanted him to speak against the motion saying “this House believes Modi’s India is on the right track”.

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‘These issues should be discussed within the country’

Varun Gandhi declined the invitation saying that these issues should be discussed within the country and not outside the country. He said that he has no interest in talking about India in other countries. This is where you will get opportunities to speak on these issues. However, Varun Gandhi also expressed his gratitude on the invitation received from Oxford University and said that it is an honor for him.

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Speculations about Varun Gandhi joining Congress

Let us inform that recently the speculation about Varun Gandhi joining the Congress had intensified. Questions were also asked to Rahul Gandhi in this regard and he had clearly said that he can come if he wants, but the party’s high command will take a decision on his arrival. In such a situation, Varun Gandhi’s latest statement is now being seen directly linked to the Congress, because Varun Gandhi’s stand regarding his speech abroad seems completely opposite to that of Rahul Gandhi.

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