bjp mp brij bhushan sharan singh women wrestlers protest jantar mantar delhi. Brij Bhushan Singh taunted women players regarding physical abuse, said – when did it happen – where did it happen? And…..

bjp mp, brij bhushan sharan singh - India TV Hindi

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Brij Bhushan Singh

In Muhammadabad area of ​​Mau, UP, Brij Bhushan Singh has taunted the women players for physical abuse. Taking a jibe at the allegations leveled by the aggrieved women players, Brij Bhushan Singh told the stage that when did it happen, where did it happen, what happened, how did it happen? Haven’t told yet. Please inform that Brijbhushan Singh had reached the Devlas temple in Muhammadabad on the occasion of Maharana Pratap’s birth anniversary. In a function organized here, BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh took a jibe at the allegations made by the victimized women players. Please inform that Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh is the MP from Kaiserganj in Bahraich district and the President of Wrestling Maha Sangh.

Tense on the victimized women players

Speaking from the stage at a function organized at Devlas temple, taunting the allegations leveled by the aggrieved women players, said that when did it happen, where did it happen? What happened? How did it happen? Haven’t told yet. Brij Bhushan further said that a Khap Panchayat was held yesterday regarding the Narco test. It was decided that the narco test of the MP should be done, in the evening I said that the players who made our first allegations should be done for narco test. So that the conspirators can be traced and along with that we should also be subjected to narco test!

This is a case of untouchability – BJP MP

The BJP MP further said that this case is of bad touch and good touch by Congress leader Kapil Sibal. This is a case of untouchability. This is a matter of whether it was touched right or wrong. At the same time, accusing the Congress, the MP said that Asaram Bapu was arrested during the Congress government. After this, Brijbhushan called people from the stage itself and said that on June 5, go to Ayodhya. Saints will speak on 5th June and the country will listen.

(Rakesh’s report from Mau)

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