Car rammed into gate of British Prime Minister Sunak official residence one arrested

Car crashes into UK PM Rishi Sunak's 10 Downing Street residence gate - India TV Hindi

Image Source: AP
Car crashes into UK PM Rishi Sunak’s 10 Downing Street residence gate

Sensation has spread after a car crashed into the gate of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s office and residence ’10 Downing Street’ on Thursday. If the gate was open or broken, this car could have entered Sunak’s house directly. Seeing the car suddenly coming towards the PM’s residence, the security personnel posted at the Prime Minister’s residence were also shocked. By the time he could understand anything, the speeding and uncontrollable car had crashed into the gate of PM’s residence. This created panic among the security personnel as well. The Metropolitan Police has arrested a person in this connection. Sources in ’10 Downing Street’ said that Prime Minister Sunak was in his office at the time of the incident, but shortly thereafter left through another gate for a previously scheduled program.

It is being told that the information about the collision of the suspected car has also been given to PM Rishi Sunak. After arresting the suspect, the police is interrogating him. Britain’s Metropolitan Police said in a statement that at about 4:20 pm (local time) on Thursday, a car crashed into the gate of Downing Street on Whitehall. Police said, “Armed officers arrested a man at the scene on suspicion of criminal damage and dangerous driving. There is no report of any injury. The investigation is on.

The incident created a stir in Britain

There has been a stir after a car collided with the gate of Prime Minister Sunak’s house. The security personnel are also surprised. He suddenly saw a speeding car headed straight towards the gate of the residence, but he failed to stop it. So the car hit the gate. After this, the loud noise also disturbed Sunak present in the PM House. The officials soon reached the spot and brought the situation under control within a short time. Whitehall, located between London’s famous Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square, was laid siege after the incident. Officers inside Downing Street were initially told to stay inside. Meanwhile, pictures viral on social media show a white passenger car with its trunk open, seen ramming the gates of Downing Street.

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