This priest got the responsibility of handing over Sengol to PM Modi. This priest will present Sengol to PM Narendra Modi on the inauguration of New Parliament Building

This priest will present Sengol to PM Narendra Modi on the inauguration of New Parliament Building - India TV Hindi

Image Source: ANI
This priest will present Sengol to PM Modi

New Parliament Building Central Vista: The New Parliament Building Central Vista will be inaugurated on 28 May. During the inauguration of the new Parliament House, PM Narendra Modi will be presented ‘Sengol’ by the 293rd head priest of Madurai Adhanam. Head priest Shri Harihara Desika Swamigal said that PM Narendra Modi has received global appreciation. The country is proud of him. He said that Narendra Modi should once again return as the Prime Minister in the year 2024.

This priest will hand over Sengol to Narendra Modi

Swamigal told ANI that PM Modi is such a leader who has got global appreciation. He is doing good work for the people. He has to become the Prime Minister again in the year 2024 and he should guide the people. He said that we all are proud of him. When the country became independent in the year 1947, Sengol was given to the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. But history is repeating itself and on 28 May 2023 this Sengol will be given to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

layer of gold and silver

The head priest said that I will meet PM Modi on the occasion of the inauguration of the new Parliament House and present him Sengol. Tell that Sengol has historical importance. It has been used as a means of transfer of power since the time of the Chola dynasty. Tell that the scepter Sengol has been prepared by Wummidi Bangaru Jewellers, which had to spend 15 thousand rupees in preparing it in 1945. It took a month to prepare it. It is plated with gold and silver. History will be repeated again on May 28 when the Prime Minister will inaugurate the new Parliament building of the country. Sengol will be kept near the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

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