Death Anniversary Special: How the country’s first PM Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru died! Where was Indira Gandhi at that time?

Jawaharlal Nehru - India TV Hindi

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Jawaharlal Nehru

New Delhi: May 27 is a very important day in the history of the country. The country’s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru died on this day. In his memory, this day is celebrated as his death anniversary. Pandit Nehru was born on 14 November 1889 in a wealthy family in Allahabad. His father’s name was Motilal Nehru and mother’s name was Swarooprani. Nehru’s father was a lawyer by profession and apart from Nehru, he also had 3 daughters.

Nehru studied abroad. During this, he did his schooling at Harrow and college at Trinity College, London. He then went to Cambridge University for a law degree. After this, Nehru got the title of Bar-at-Law in the year 1912. Influenced by Gandhiji in the year 1912, Nehru joined Congress and then he did not look back.

After the country gained independence in 1947, Nehru became the first Prime Minister and continued to lead the country until 1964, as long as he breathed his last. Nehru had suffered the biggest setback when he had extended a hand of friendship towards China but China had treacherously attacked in 1962.

How did Nehru die?

Nehru was broken after the betrayal of China. In January 1964, when Nehru was on a tour of Bhuneshwar, he suffered a heart attack, but was managed by the doctors and advised rest. But on the evening of 26 May 1964, when Nehru returned to Delhi after a holiday with his daughter Indira, he went straight to his room at 8 pm and lay down with medicine.

It is said that Nehru could not sleep on the night of 26-27 May and he was suffering from severe back pain. On May 27, 1964, around 6.30 in the morning, he had an attack of paralysis and then immediately followed by a heart attack. Doctors reached the spot on the call of Nehru’s daughter Indira Gandhi and tried to save Nehru, he remained in a coma for 8 hours, but he could not be saved.

lights out

On May 27, 1964, at 2:05 pm, it was announced through radio that Pandit Nehru had passed away. The light is out. On that day lakhs of people had gathered outside the Prime Minister’s residence who had come to pay their last respects to their leader. Pandit Nehru’s funeral took place on 29 May, in which leaders and diplomats from all over the world came.

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