Bollywood veteran actress Amrita Singh is celebrating her 65th birthday today. Sara Ali Khan has congratulated her mother on her birthday on social media in a very special way. Sara has shared 2 pictures with her mother with whom she has also written a post. Seeing the love between mother and daughter in the pictures, the fans are showering love on both. These pictures shared by Sara are from the recent past, Amrita Singh is celebrating vacation with daughter Sara in Udaipur. A glimpse of the beautiful Udaipur city is also being seen in the pictures.
Sara Ali Khan wrote in a special post shared with the pictures, ‘Happy birthday to my whole world… Thank you so much for always being with me, supporting me and inspiring me, Love you mother. Amrita Singh, a veteran actress of the 90s, made her acting debut in the year 1983 with the film ‘Betaab’. Amrita Singh, who belongs to the Royal Family, married Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. Both have 2 children named Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan. Sara Ali Khan looks exactly like her mother.
Amrita Singh and Saif Ali Khan’s relationship could not last long and both of them got divorced with mutual consent. After the divorce, Amrita Singh raised the children alone. After this divorce, Saif Ali Khan married Kareena Kapoor and he also has 2 children from Kareena named Taimur Ali Khan and Jahangir Ali Khan. Amrita Singh was last seen in the film ‘2 State’ alongside Alia Bhatt and Arjun Kapoor. In today’s time, Amrita Singh is also seen in many advertisements.
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