Israel shocked by Iran’s nuclear program, army chief warns of open action

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Israel is appalled by Iran’s secret nuclear programs. Israel’s Army Chief Harjee Halevi has warned of tough action against Iran. He has said that ‘negative developments’ could prompt Israel to act against Iran. At a security conference held at Reichman University in Herzliya outside Tel Aviv, Halevi said on Tuesday that Iran has moved ahead with enriching uranium more than ever in recent years, which Israel views as its arch-enemy. . “There are negative potential trends (signs of a nuclear program) on the horizon that could lead to action on Iran,” he said. Halevi said that Israel has sufficient capabilities to strike.

Halevi accused Iran of being linked to everyone who is against Israel, providing them with strategic and intelligence support as well as funding, Xinhua news agency reported. Israel has the capability to strike Iran, he said. Halevi’s comments came a day after Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said at the same conference that the number of airstrikes on Iranian targets in Syria had doubled since December last year. He did not elaborate on the exact number of attacks.

Israel stunned by Iran’s nuclear program

As part of this campaign, we are working systematically to attack Iranian intelligence capabilities in Syria, Israel’s army chief said amid concerns over Iran’s secret nuclear programs. These attacks, he said, significantly damage efforts by the Revolutionary Guards to gain a foothold a few kilometers from the Israeli border. Israel has been a vocal opponent of efforts to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. While Iran says that its nuclear program is peaceful.

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